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What if you were told you only had 5 years to Live?

...Why aren't you doing that Now???

If you are here, it is because you already know you need to make changes in your life.  What currently exists is NOT serving you!  Maybe it is your health, your job, your limiting beliefs, your relationships, your addiction, your age!  Congratulate yourself for taking the first step to creating life altering change….How do I know??  Because once I was on top of the world then, what seemed like an impossibility, everything changed!  

I was lost. 

I was over 50 and thought that life could NEVER bring me joy, love or regain financial abundance again. 

I was without hope, or faith. 

My health my marriage my job were all in shambles, and I chose alcohol to mask the pain.

Traditional means of recovering from my addiction were only creating more feelings of unworthiness. 

More importantly, I lost my faith in my ability to make the necessary changes I needed to make to get back in the game.


B.A. Psychology

Certified Health (CHHC)

American Association of Drugless Practitioner (AADP)

Certified Life Coach (CLC)

Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner

Board Certified Hypnosis BCH

Reiki Master/Advanced Energy Practitioner

Certified Medicinal Aromatherapist CMA

Dream Builder

*C0-facilitator at P.A.T.H.addiction support group

*Member of the International Association for Health Coaches (IAHC)

*Member of American University NLP

*Member Lady Savant Womens Empowerment Group

*PhD in Creating an Abundant Life

*Black Belt in Destroying Negative Belief Systems

*Volunteer for Dress for Success (mentoring program)

**Over 20 years as a V.P. in the Fashion Business in N.Y.C.

Carol A. Newlands

Personal Development Coach

You see my journey has been a sequence of very dark and very joyous moments. 

      I have been hurt, and I have hurt many. 

      I have encouraged, and I have needed encouragement. 

      I have laughed hard and cried harder. 

      I have given birth, and I have buried the dead. 

      I was at the top of the corporate ladder a mentor to many and fell to the bottom of the heap. 

      I was married, divorced, and on the road to addiction at 52.

      Now through extensive certifications, research, trial and error, I am addiction free!


I had a choice to make...when my life fell apart, I realized it didn’t happen unraveled slowly, and I did not reach out for the help I needed when I should have.  A friend of mine recommended a coach (now retired) who mentored me and helped me shift my focus and create positive meanings to my internal unworthy thoughts.  Through diet, behavior modification and visualization techniques, I now live a life of purpose and abundance.   My personal health has never been better.  My energy is endless.  My emotional health is in perfect alignment, and I know I have the capability to manifest anything I “dream” of… and THAT is what I can do for you!  You see most of us invest EVERYTHING we have in believing that we are not good enough!  We live in FEAR, and FEAR is the poison of the human spirit.  Many are even afraid to succeed and all the responsibility that comes with succeeding.


I am a Results Driven "Fearless" Coach who does life altering work.  I will not believe the negative stories you tell yourself, the fears that hold you back, or the health you don't think you can resurrect.  I want to stop you from chasing your dreams and engage you in creating them.

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