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Figurative Definition:

Course of Action





“Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking.  Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice.  And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition"

―Steve Jobs

We are spirits having a human experience.  Each one of us is born with the tools we need to heal ourselves "whole"listically - mind and body.


We have the ability to transform ourselves, our lives, into almost anything we can perceive.  But along the way, we face obstacles and challenges that affect our health and emotional well-being, or we reach an impasse - a decision must be made.  Which PATH do I take?  Fear always steps in - Fear of Failure and yes, Fear of Success, and we become paralyzed.


It is at that point where a professional can help to guide you, clear the fog and help you define what steps need to be taken to make those changes.  I am here to work with you to create the world you wish to be a part of.  Your path throughout your life can become a spectacular road to the abundance you were meant to inherit.  You will learn to live a "heart-centered" existence.  Stop chasing your dreams and start living them!!!

How I can help you?  The qualities you should have for us to work together effectively:


YOU have to be willing to make constructive changes in your diet and lifestyle and to be dedicated to improving yourself.  A person who is open to new ideas and new experiences, positive ideas and experiences that can transform your life!  You are paying me to say the things no one else will say so real change can happen.  After all, isn’t that what brought you to this site?  Oh yeah!!!  Forgot to mention it will be a positive uplifting ride for sure!!!


YOU CAN be afraid, have lack of confidence, be depressed, confused or feel like a complete failure EVEN if those around you see you as a master of the game!…BECAUSE YOU ARE GOING TO COMPLETELY ERASE THOSE  FEELINGS of LACK  WHEN WE WORK TOGETHER AS A TEAM!!!!


I will believe in you, even when you forget to believe in yourself.


My clients are not satisfied with where they are at this moment. 

They WANT to do what it takes to get them to where they want to be. 

I KNOW the steps to reach a healthy, authentic life, and I want to share that with you!


I am a Personal Development “Agnostic” (no one "size" fits all) Coach.

Each person has unique challenges and distinct goals.

My coaching is NOT "cookie cutter".

Everything I do is on an individual basis.

Everything I do is CUSTOM crafted for YOU - the client.


I promise you that I will get you back on track so you CAN achieve more THIS year than ever before!


Your Life will become MAGICAL!



If you are ready to reach your full potential, experience overall great health, build your self-confidence, live in a world free from addiction and manifest an abundant life, then I ask that you fill out the "Let's Get Started" form to help me understand your needs.  If I feel that I, for any reason, am not the right practitioner for you, I can refer you to one that has that field of expertise.


Please be honest, open and REAL...this is the only way we can accomplish your goals.


When I have reviewed the "Let's Get Started" form, I will get in touch with you for a complimentary POWERFUL conversation to discuss our course of action.


Carol A. Newlands

Personal Development Coach

Personalized approach to Transforming Lives!!!

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